PROJECT 05 // 2017
A Walk in Mermaid’s Shoes

As she see her shadow, there is no one can stand like her
If mermaids are refugees from the sea, what could their dreams be about?
Waiting for the rescue, like a princess waits for her prince. While trying to
settle in the human world, these mermaids stumbled upon different
emotionally conflictual situations. Just as the author did while dancing through
the seasons of life. If we all walk in mermaid’s shoes, aren’t we all connected
while we go our own different ways?
Producer: Jasmine Fan
Executive Producer: Jasmine Fan, Ray Juster
Camera: Luis E. Villacis, Max Sänger, Diana Sánchez, Leon Daniel
Sound record: Diana Sánchez
Music: Crossworlds, Jari Pitkänen, Arndt Netzel, RAINDANCE KID, Ray Juster,
Johannes Zacharias Zimmermann, Nils Loe
Sound Design: Nicolas Plesch, Jean-Yves Deditius
Editing: Jasmine Fan
Color correction: Rasmus Rienecker
Art Designer: Ting Jung Chen
Animation & AE: Ray Juster, Jens Apitz
Anke Moosmayer, Sihäm Refaie, Sina Rundel, Selina Lettenbichler, Jasmine Fan
Sihäm Refaie, Sina Rundel, Selina Lettenbichler, Jasmine Fan, Muwala-Paulo Lando, Lena Reyle, David Espinosa A, Nils Loe, Dimitri Hassert, Dominik Lamovski, Lorenzo Pignataro, Patricia Carolin Mai, Karolin Hochdahl, Jérôme Zeltner